

虽然自己一直做的是市场营销,但只有开始 marketing 自己的产品后,很多事情才理解个中滋味儿。营销和经营如何不让人反感反而有价值感想得也比原来多了。但对我而言,真正的放松还是需要 mindset 上的改变,不要太把自己当回事儿,也不要太把别人当回事儿。我想跟自己说,你所做的一切不过是自娱自乐的产物,放松些。

C· 亚历山大在《建筑的永恒之道》中写道:”只有当我们放松的时候,才有可能生机勃勃。” 


” 想想让你真心高兴的事,想想喜欢的事物,想想那些无需与别人分享的自我满足的时刻:”在日内瓦的秋雾中吃着放在小纸包里的热栗子,在利马夜晚的街市上吃串在小树枝上烤的小肉串,在加州的海边看海水冲击和消退,看圣诞树上闪烁的蜡烛和鸣响的铃儿,在火车上的亲友告别,招手、送上飞吻,沿着站台奔跑,或者周日和全家人一起散步,最小的孩子落在后面,看路边的青蛙和旧鞋子····” 以这样的心境去建造一座城市、谈一场恋爱、装点自己的生活,才可能准确去做有意义的事情。 

前段时间看 paul graham 的博客有一段是如何寻找创业点子的,精髓大概是放松的闲晃和敏锐的注意力。

The way to get startup ideas is not to try to think of startup ideas. It’s to look for problems, preferably problems you have yourself. Finding startup ideas is a subtle business, and that’s why most people who try fail so miserably. It doesn’t work well simply to try to think of startup ideas. If you do that, you get bad ones that sound dangerously plausible. The best approach is more indirect: if you have the right sort of background, good startup ideas will seem obvious to you. But even then, not immediately. It takes time to come across situations where you notice something missing. And often these gaps won’t seem to be ideas for companies, just things that would be interesting to build. Which is why it’s good to have the time and the inclination to build things just because they’re interesting.

But don’t feel like you have to build things that will become startups. That’s premature optimization. Just build things. Preferably with other students. It’s not just the classes that make a university such a good place to crank oneself into the future. You’re also surrounded by other people trying to do the same thing. If you work together with them on projects, you’ll end up producing not just organic ideas, but organic ideas with organic founding teams — and that, empirically, is the best combination.



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